I spent Saturday 27th February 2021 on an update course with the ACPTMD for the TMJ (jaw). It was good to refresh anatomy knowledge and discuss cases with colleagues.

This prompted a reminder post for good habits for TMJ sufferers!

Don’t bite nails or chew gum

Don’t sleep on tummy

Maintain good neck posture

Keep tongue on roof of mouth when you sneeze

Keep mouth relaxed (good position is the last “a” when saying Emma)

Keep tongue on roof of mouth to relax muscles (the “cl” of cluck)

If you want to talk through a jaw issue…please do contact me for an informal chat… Jo x

by | 9 Mar, 2023 | Headaches, Health, Therapy, Tips, TMJ

by | 9 Mar, 2023 | Headaches, Health, Therapy, Tips, TMJ