Click on a question below to find an answer to our most commonly asked questions
If you can’t find what you are looking for please contact us on
01509 263932
How quickly can I be seen?
We try to see you within 24 to 48 hours if your problem is urgent, and otherwise at a time to suit you.
How do I book?
You can ring us on 01509 263932, email us at or book an appointment online
What is the cost and how do I pay?
Prices vary for different services, so please ring and ask to be sure.
We would like to share with you an essential update regarding our prices. As of 1st July 2024, the prices for some of our services will be changed. This decision has not been taken lightly but is a necessary step to continue to provide you with a high-quality service and cover our own rising costs. We value our patients and want to ensure that the transition to the new pricing is as transparent as possible for you.
New prices from 1st July 2024:
Initial Assessment or Follow-up Treatment £65
Student Initial Assessment or Follow-up Treatment £55
TMJ/Face Pain/Migraine Initial Assessment or Follow-up Treatment (Jo Hartshorn only) £75
We accept cheques, cash, debit and credit cards (including AmEx).
Payment is due each session, major credit and debit cards. Payment is also accepted through private medical insurance.
Can I use insurance?
We are registered with all the major and most minor insurance companies.
Please contact us to be sure, we may be able to register with your company if we aren’t already.
What can I expect on my first appointment?
You will be welcomed into the clinic by one of our receptionists or physiotherapists and asked to fill in some forms if not already done so online (e.g. personal contact details, consent.)
The physiotherapist will take a history of your issue, assess you, discuss their findings and treat you. You will be given exercises to do at home if necessary. The exercises can be emailed to you as an aide memoir!
What should I wear?
The physio will need to see the part of the body that is an issue and might give you stretches or gentle exercises.
It is better to wear shorts for lower limb or lower back issues and a strappy t-shirt (females) for upper back/neck/arm problems. You might be asked to undress to your underwear for some issues. If a chaperone would make you more comfortable, please bring a friend who can come into treatment with you, or ask at the desk.
Will you crack my joints?
Our physios are trained to manipulate joints but do not always do so in routine treatment. They will always ask you before performing intentional manipulation.
What can I expect after treatment?
Your physiotherapist will give you advice following the treatment you have received. Sometimes there is a treatment soreness for 24 hours before the benefit is felt from the treatment, and this will be explained to you if it is anticipated. If you have any questions you can ring and speak with your physiotherapist or email any questions.
Do I need to see a GP to make an appointment?
If you are using medical insurance, some request that you have a GP referral. We are registered with most insurance companies, if you are unsure please contact us to enquire and we can see if we can help.
Want to get in touch with our experts or to directly book an appointment online?