
Advice, tips and information on a variety of issues and conditions that we have come across at the clinic over the years.

Golf: A Dangerous Sport?

Golf: A Dangerous Sport?

Golf may not look like it has much in common with professional rugby – but you may be surprised to learn that golfers are injured more often than rugby players! It's true! In fact, 62% of amateurs and 85% of professionals will sustain a significant...



The most important piece of advice is to pace yourself!  Many of us tend to be less active over the winter, meaning that muscles can be weaker and joints stiffer than normal.  So deciding to trim all the hedges in one go on the first sunny day of the year...

Take care when exercising in hot weather

Take care when exercising in hot weather

Take care when exercising in hot weather When we exercise in hot weather it can increase our body’s core temperature, which can cause overheating and therefore our body is unable to cool itself or retain adequate amounts of water.   It’s important to take...

Winter Running

Winter Running

Winter Running Exercising outside including running outdoors can have many health benefits.  So, if your New Year’s resolution is to do more exercise & you’re lacing up your trainers to go out for a run, here are a few reminders of what you should consider...

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